Forest Therapy For Yourself
The most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. Invest in yourself today.
Forest therapy has created so much inner peace in me that I am now healthier, happier, more authentic, intuitive and resilient than before I began this journey in 2016. My genuine love for myself has grown tremendously. This has affected my relationships with everyone I interact with whether they be family, friends, or strangers.
I want this experience of life for everyone. I want this experience for you. You deserve it! You matter, and so does your heart! It is my passion to reconnect people with nature, their true nature, their truest self.
Forest Therapy For Two
Relational Forest Therapy, in the way that I guide, has the ability to create more authentic and intimate relationships with others, whether they be family, a romantic partner or a close friend.
This experience softens our nervous system, relaxes our mind and body, and helps us to both share and listen from our hearts. Share this experience with someone who is important to you. Something good is bound to blossom.
Forest Bathing For Better Business
Forest Bathing has been scientifically proven through over 40 years of research to boost the immune system and decrease stress hormones, thereby making staff teams healthier when forest bathing is practiced regularly.
Forest Bathing may make us happier, more resilient and able to communicate better, thereby boosting the morale in our staff teams.
Forest Bathing can improve mental clarity and focus, stimulate creativity and problem solving, thereby making us more productive in the workplace.
Forest Bathing before an important staff meeting often leads to a more effective meeting overall…and everyone leaves the meeting happier!
Come discover why business teams exclaim, “That experience surpassed our expectations!”
Forest Therapy For Groups
A guided forest bathing experience is a great way to create authentic happy memories among friends, family members or team members. Whether for a birthday, pre-wedding day experience, anniversary celebration, family holiday or memorial, groups often comment that this experience was a highlight in their memory bank.
Forest Bathing Pricing - 2-3 Hour Experience
1-2 people $222
3+ people $74pp
Ages 6 – 12 = $44pp
Ages 5 & under FREE when accompanied by one adult/child.
Discounts available for packages of 3 or more experiences on 3 separate days.