“I would highly recommend this for seniors. People (like me) with anxieties could benefit and learn how to deal with them naturally. I will never rush through a forest again. I will see, feel, smell it.”
VK (Elderly Woman)
“During the walk, I slowed down, and the entire experience was an artistic and sensory experience. I loved it. Would not have known how to appreciate the forest like this even though I go to the forest frequently. I felt supported being in the forest and guided to experience a calming and immune boosting therapeutic opportunity. It was evident to me that the experience was beneficial.”
JR (Midlife Woman)
“This was a lovely, peaceful walk at a comfortable, relaxed pace. Enabled me to relax and reconnect.”
“A highlight for me was learning to look a little deeper when walking in the forest. Definitely a unique and beneficial experience.”
“Open yourself to experience nature in a new way and allow yourself to connect with yourself – to slow down, relax and be in the moment. Haida provided an open space for people to reflect and attune to themselves more deeply through the healing power of nature. Try it!”
(Young Adult Man)
“This walk is a way to connect to nature and allows you to be about something outside of yourself. It’s very calming and rejuvenating.”
“Sometimes all we need is to slow down and have a teacher guide us through what we’ve been missing or forgotten. We belong in nature. We are one. A highlight for me was Haida and her facilitation.”
TR (Midlife Woman)
“I got in touch with myself through nature as well as getting in touch with nature.”
“A highlight for me was watching three snails twirl around string of moss art.”
Business Groups:
“This experience surpassed all my expectations! I’m so glad I brought my work team here. Thank you!”
~ Lawyer
“I thought three hours was a long time to only travel half a kilometer. I wasn’t sure whether to come, but the time went by so fast and I enjoyed every minute of it! I’m glad I came. Thank you!”
~ Insurance Company Team Member
Business Meeting After A Guided Forest
Therapy Experience:
“The biggest surprise came when we gathered alongside the creek for our business meeting… After spending time walking along the trails and observing nature during our guided forest therapy experience, I felt much more relaxed… As we moved into the business meeting we all seemed ready to listen to each other, we really heard what others were proposing. There didn’t feel the usual need to rush through the agenda. I had not been looking forward to this meeting as it had some controversial issues, but it went extremely well. Everyone was relaxed, supportive, willing to work to make things happen.”
~ Maureen McBeath, Distinguished Toastmaster, Retired Teacher
“Thank you so much for the experience. It was definitely a highlight of our trip…I hope to bring my mother to BC next year. If I do, I will contact you to help guide us again!”
~ mother, father and two young boys from Texas
“A forest therapy walk with Haida is an experience that is great for families. It’s a great way to reconnect with yourself, nature and family. Children learn new skills and come alive in nature. Haida is a gentle guide with lots of respect for the forest.”
~ Sonya Salamon, Mother
“That was a profoundly amazing experience. Thank you!”
~ Two Adult Sisters sharing a meaningful connection
Retreat Experience:
“Before the retreat, I felt emotionally numb and very depressed. I saw Haida’s love for life and wanted that for myself. After my three-day retreat with Haida, I felt more safe and comfortable going into a forest on my own and I knew how to start connecting with nature. After four years of practicing forest therapy on my own, I felt my inner child come alive! I now love life and receive a playful, joyful energy when I go to a forest. It’s been transformative! I’m so glad Haida is doing these retreats again. I came last year and am coming again.”
~ Forest Therapy Retreat Participant
“Haida showed me a whole new way to experience and appreciate the forest. I’ve been hiking all my life and never thought to connect in this way. I’ll never walk through a forest the same as before my retreat experience with Haida.”t Item
~ Forest Therapy Retreat Participant
“This retreat was everything that I needed in this moment of my life.”
~ Forest Therapy Retreat Participant
“Magical, peaceful, divine, deep sense of belonging, fulfilling, feeling absolutely blessed to have had this forest bathing retreat experience and feel my place, my home, on this earth.”
~ Forest Therapy Retreat Participant
“This retreat opened my heart, felt a true connection to the people, my new friends… I am appreciative. I am ready to face my home, my woods and life. But I need more forest therapy and Haida. Thank you.”
~ Forest Therapy Retreat Participant